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Parish Council Agendas

Meetings are held at:

The Community Centre, Ladbroke Road, Bishop's Itchington, CV47 2RN.

The agenda is published 3 working days before the meeting is due to be held and can be downloaded from here.

A copy of the agenda will also be placed on the notice board at the corner of Chapel Street and Poplar Road, Bishop's Itchington.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Time is always set aside for members of the public to address the council on any matters of concern they may have regarding items on the agenda.

Agendas from meetings in previous years can be found in the archive.

Calendar of Meetings 2024/25

Please see below for full details of all scheduled meetings over the next few months. Any additional meetings will be advertised here and on our Facebook page.

All meetings are on a Monday and start at 7.30pm unless otherwise notified.

  • Monday 13 May 2024 Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (This is the meeting at which the chairman of the parish council is elected for the coming year. Working parties and their members are also appointed at this meeting). This meeting will be followed immediately by the usual monthly parish council meeting.
  • Tuesday 28 May 2024 - Extraordinary Meeting CANCELLED
  • Monday, 3 June 2024,
  • Monday, 1 July 2024,
  • Monday, 8 July 2024 - Extraordinary Meeting
  • Monday, 2 September 2024,
  • Monday, 7 October 2024,
  • Monday, 4 November 2024,
  • Monday, 2 December 2024,
  • Monday, 6  January 2025,
  • Monday, 3 February 2025,
  • Monday, 3 March 2025,
  • Monday, 7 April 2025,
  • Monday, 28 April 2025, Bishop’s Itchington Annual Village Meeting (This is the annual meeting of the electorate, not a parish council meeting),
  • Monday 12 May 2025, Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (This is the meeting at which the chairman of the parish council is elected for the coming year. Working parties and their members are also appointed at this meeting). This meeting will be followed immediately by the usual monthly parish council meeting.