Parish Councillors
Current members of the parish council are as follows:
- Cllr Chris Kettle (Chairman), 07798692683
- Cllr Amanda Colson, 07873314703
- Cllr Adam Dugmore, 01926 614690
- Cllr Orlaith Horsman, 01926 712597
- Cllr David Howatson, 07798586587
- Cllr Alistair Lamont, 07846104248
- Cllr Selena Ogden,07379460402
- Cllr Simon Tagg-Wilkinson, 07961150631
- Cllr Norman Thomas (Vice Chairman), 07484673331
- Cllr Steve Tressler, 07746 593 163
Vacancies for councillors arise from time to time. If you think you may be interested in taking on this role, please see the leaflet "Become a Councillor" which can be downloaded from this page.
Code of Conduct
Members of the parish council are bound by a code of conduct a copy of which can be downloaded from this page.
Register of Interests
Members must register disclosable pecuniary interests as defined in the regulations set out by the Secretary of State. Details of each member's register can be found by clicking on the following link:
Further Information
Areas of responsibility
Parish Councillors have taken a lead on key parish council areas of responsibility as follows:
- Allotments - Cllr Lamont
- Biodiversity/Climate Change - Cllr Tagg-Wilkinson,
- Churchyard and Cemetery - Cllr Ogden, Cllr Lamont
- Finance - Cllr Kettle
- HR - Cllrs Horsman and Howatson
- Planning - Cllr Dugmore
- Play Area/Hard Court/Playing Field - Cllr Thomas
- Police Liaison - Cllrs Thomas and Horsman
- Social Media - Cllrs Lamont, Dugmore and Colton
- The Scene - Cllrs Tressler and Colton
- Environmental and Properties - Cllrs Tagg-Wilkinson and Kettle
Representatives to Outside Bodies:
- BI Community Group - Cllrs Kettle and Thomas
- Memorial Hall - Cllr Tressler
- Village Charities - Cllrs Kettle, Dugmore and Lamont