In line with the Climate Change policies being declared by Stratford-on-Avon District Council, Bishop's Itchington Parish Council is keen to engage on a local level with the Climate Emergency. Using this page, we will post topics concerned with climate change and how each and everyone else can help and "do our bit".
Information will become available on ways to help, including useful tips, useful contacts and presentations.
Should local residents have any ideas/actions that they wish to share, then please do so - contact the clerk in the first instance with your suggestions.

Energy Price Rise Leaflet
Climate Change Evidence and Causes
A Short Guide to Climate Science
Link to Stratford DC Climate Change page:
Climate change | Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Link to Stratford DC Climate Change quiz:
Climate change quiz - Stratford-on-Avon (
Link to the heating hub:
This is a useful site offering helpful independent advice regarding your central heating system. Some useful information concerning current condensing gas central boilers and how to make sure they are correctly set up, as well as advice on options for the future.