The parish council is elected to serve the local community.
Our councillors are all volunteers who give their time freely.
They are supported by the clerk to the council who is head of the council's administration and a small team of dedicated staff who are responsible for looking after various village amenities and services.
We do not have the resources of a larger council, but endeavour to provide a good service. If you have any comments to make about the level of service we provide, please contact us.
The council has set up a number of different groups to oversee the business of the council. These groups meet on an ad hoc basis only:
Finance: Cllr Kettle; Cllr Dugmore; Cllr Gates; Cllr Tressler.
HR: Cllr Christian-Carter; Cllr Tressler.
Properties & Environment: Cllr Christian-Carter; Cllr Dugmore; Cllr Gates.
Planning: Cllr Christian-Carter; Cllr Dugmore; Cllr Thomas.
Cemetery & Churchyard: Cllr Christian-Carter.
Neighbourhood Plan Group: Cllr Tressler; Cllr Thomas.
Children's Play Ground: Cllr Thomas; Cllr Christian-Carter; Cllr Gates.
Councillors also represent the council on the following outside bodies:
Memorial Hall: Cllr Christian-Carter.
Bishop's Itchington Community Project: Cllr Kettle.
Meetings are usually held on the second Monday of the month at 7.30pm in Bishop's Itchington Community Centre unless otherwise notified.
Please check this website for details of the next meeting. All meetings are open to the public.
Time is always set aside to allow members of the public to address the council on any matters of concern. The council's calendar of meetings is available within the Events section.
How to Contact Us
Normal office opening hours are Monday to Thursday from 9.00am to 12.00noon.
If there is no one available when you call, please leave a message and a daytime contact number and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
For further information, please contact us
Areas of Responsibility
Here is a short list of the council's main duties and responsibilities.
Grass cutting & grounds maintenance
We look after all the verges and most of the greens in the village including those owned by WCC.
We are responsible for all of the trees on parish council owned land.
We have a tree survey and a regular programme of work which is carried out over a 3 year cycle by a professional tree surgeon.

The parish council is a burial authority.
We own and maintain the cemetery and ensure that all interments are carried out in accordance with the law, properly registered and records correctly maintained.
Village greens and public open spaces
The parish council owns the following areas:
- Chapel Street green
- Scowcroft Drive/Parrish Close greens and old hedgerow in Mandale Close
- Ladbroke Road - wide verge opposite school
- Rupert Kettle Drive/The Chestnuts/Greaves Way/Bishops Gate greens
- The Yellow Land
- Cemetery & Chapel - we are also responsible for the maintenance of the churchyard although owned by the church
- Playing fields and play area - we own and maintain the playing fields, including the children's play area, the tennis courts and sports pavilion
Other Village Amenities
- Memorial Hall - this is managed by the memorial hall committee and is completely independent of the parish council
- Community Centre - the building is owned by the Royal British Legion and is occupied by BI Community Project via a complicated lease arrangement