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Biodiversity Action Plan

Interested in conservation and wildlife?

Would you like to do more to protect and enhance our local environment to make it more friendly for wildlife and plants? Do you want to preserve our open spaces? Do you enjoy the natural environment, and would you be interested in helping with practical projects to improve our surroundings? If any of these apply to you, please read the Parish Biodiversity Action Plan (Parish BAP) which can be downloaded from this site. It is full of ideas for local communities to use, and there is no reason why some of these things shouldn't happen in Bishop's Itchington.

Our Local Biodiversity Group

This group is interested in improving biodiversity within our parish and has a number of ideas about how this can be done which include practical projects. Over the last few months the group has cleared an overgrown area of the playing field and planted a small community orchard. New members are always welcome. If you would like to be involved, please contact Pam Reason on 01926 613300 for more information.

LBAP Conference 2010

This took place on 22 June at the Memorial Hall. There were over 70 delegates from across the county and beyond and included planning officers and ecologists from WCC, representatives from several other neighbouring local authorities, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Natural England, parish and town councils, Butterfly Conservation, Forestry Commission, Campaign for the Farmed Environment, the National Trust and various local conservation and ecology groups such as our own Biodiversity Group.

There were several presentations and workshops but Chris Redstall gave a presentation on the Yellow Land Project and there were guided tours of the area during the afternoon. Some lucky people even spotted the small blue butterfly.

The catering was provided by the Blue Butterfly Café and they excelled themselves. The food was delicious, fresh and imaginative and the staff were given a hearty round of applause. The Butcher’s Arms kindly made their car park available to the delegates.

It is safe to say that this event has really put Bishop’s Itchington on the map. It was a great opportunity to show off the village, in more ways than one, and the conference was a great success.



Parish BAP 

Biodiversity Policy adopted June 2024