D6038 Ladbroke Road - Carriageway Repairs
We have been notified by Warwickshire County Council that the D6038 Ladbroke Road will be closed for two days for carriageway repairs:
Carriageway repairs, due to defects in the new road surface, are due to commence on Thursday 2nd February 2023, for 2 days.
The site extends from the Railway Tunnel, west to the junction of the D6382 Old Road, a distance of 526m.
This work will be carried out under a road closure (08:00-17:00hr). There are no weekend works planned.
Access to properties will be maintained from one end or the other. Pedestrian access will be available at all times.
Thursday 2nd – Friday 3rd February. Carry out carriageway repairs.
Please drive slowly through works.
Please be aware of temporary road surfaces and raised ironwork.
There will inevitably be some disruption to households/businesses, but every effort will be made to keep this to a minimum.

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