Dear Residents and Users of the Play Area.
The Parish Council has received the report from the annual ROSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) safety inspection of the children's play area - this inspection is performed annually and provides a detailed examination on the condition of the equipment in the play area.
Unfortunately, the report has identified that the play area, in general, is nearing the end of its useful working life (mainly due to timber decay) and that, some of the pieces of equipment need to be decommissioned or removed with immediate effect because of advanced decay.
These are:
Cableway (zip wire) - suspended seat to be removed to prevent use.
Tyre swing - tyre and chains to be removed to prevent use.
Climber frame and net* - to be removed but until this can be arranged, it will be taped off.
Multiplay unit with green slide* – to be removed but until this can be arranged, it will be taped off.
We appreciate that the cableway and tyre swing are probably two of the most popular pieces of equipment, but the Parish Council is committed to providing a safe environment for our children to enjoy themselves in, thus the need to remove these items.
The Parish Council is now engaged with reviewing the play area and how to move forward with providing new equipment.
*Please ensure that, due to health and safety, your children/child do not use these items whilst they are taped off. It is hoped that these items of equipment will be removed next week (week commencing 20 December)

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