Consultation Events
During the course of the Preferred Options consultation, a number of online and in person events will be held by Officers. These provide the opportunity for members of the public and other stakeholders to ask questions on the consultation document and the process of responding.
The In Person events listed below will be simple drop-in sessions hosted by a small number of Officers from the SWLP team. The purpose of these events is provide information on the Preferred Options stage, explanation of the topics available for comment and to provide general assistance with responding to the consultation document.
A presentation to accompany the Online events can be found here. This contains a short summary of the SWLP, the work we have done so far and the purpose and aims of the Preferred Options stage.
Please see the below schedule for details of the events.
Saturday 8th February In Person Warwick Library, Warwick 10am - 3:30pm
Wednesday 12th February Online Web link 10am - 12pm
Saturday 15th February In Person Maybird Shopping Park, Stratford-upon-Avon 10am - 4pm
Tuesday 18th February In Person Southam Library, Southam 10am - 4pm
Saturday 22nd February In Person Alcester Library, Alcester 10am - 1pm
Monday 24th February Online Web Link 6pm - 7:30pm
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