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Parish Council Meeting - Monday 2 September 2024 at 7.30pm at The Community Centre

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Notice of Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council

Monday, 2 September 2024 at 7.30pm
The Community Centre
Ladbroke Road
Bishop’s Itchington
CV47 2RA
Members of the public and press are invited to attend the parish council meeting and are welcome to address the parish council on any item on the agenda during the public forum. 
Please note that the meeting may be recorded or filmed and that the council is unable to give any guarantee that members of the public will not be included. If this concerns you, please contact the clerk prior to the meeting. If you would like to record or film a meeting, we encourage you to contact the council in advance so that we can ensure the necessary arrangements are in place.
Karen Stevens
Clerk to the Council  


1.     Apologies:
         To receive and consider accepting apologies from members.
2.     Declaration of Interests:
         Members are responsible for determining whether they have a disclosable pecuniary interest in any item on the agenda, as defined by                 regulations made by the Secretary of State and should disclose it and any other conflict of interest they may have, as soon as possible               after the start of the meeting. 
3.    Dispensations:
        To receive and consider granting any dispensation requests.
4.   Minutes: 
        i.  To approve the Minutes of the ordinary parish council meeting held on 1 July 2024.
        ii. To approve the Minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 8 July 2024
5.   Public Forum:
       A maximum of 15 minutes is set aside for members of the public to address the council on any item on the agenda.  A maximum of 3                   minutes shall be allowed for each speaker.
6.   Housing needs Survey Report for Bishop’s Itchington Parish December 2023:
       To hear from WRCC Housing who undertook the survey and compiled the report.
7.   Planning Matters:
       i. To consider the holding objection submitted and whether this needs to be amended:
           42 Rupert Kettle Drive, Bishop’s Itchington, CV47 2PU: 2 no. sycamores – fell
       ii. To note the withdrawal of the following planning application:
          Land Off St Michaels Close , And Manor Road, Bishops Itchington - Demolition of no's 9-12 St Michael's Close and garages and erection            of 7 no. affordable housing units and associated development
8.   County, District & Parish Liaison:
      To exchange latest information with WCC and SDC councillors.    
9.   Waste Bins on the Yellow Land:
      To discuss the provison of waste bins on the Yellow Land.         
10. Parking on Green Open Spaces in Old Road and Central Drive:
      To discuss the issue of parking on the green open spaces in Old Road and Central Drive which is resulting in damage to the grass.
11. Gambling Act 2005 – Review of Stratford on Avon District Council’s Statement of Gambling Policy:
      To discuss if the parish council wish to make any comments regarding the consultation on the Review of SDC’s Statement on Gambling
      Gambling Policy | Stratford-on-Avon District Council
12. Local Nature Recovery Strategy Survey:
      To discuss the parish council’s response to the Local Nature Recovery Strategy survey.
13. Community Emergency Plan for Bishop’s Itchington Review:
      To review and approve the Community Emergency Plan for Bishop’s Itchington.
14. Community Centre: 
      To discuss and approve the following as appropriate:
       i.   Quote to repair emergency fire exit
       ii.  Quote to replace community centre garage door
       iii. Interior and selected exterior painting design
15. External Audit:
      To discuss and agree/accept the findings of the External Audit for 2023/2024.
16. Joint Working with Neighboring Parish’s:
      To discuss the possibility of joint working with Southam and Harbury on certain initiatives
17. Formal Complaint from Mr and Mrs Young:
      i.  To approve the minutes of the Complaints Committee held on 5 August 2024
      ii. To receive and accept the recommendations of the Formal Complaints Committee held on 5 August 2024.
18. Finance:
      i.   To receive monthly financial reports for June 2024 and July 2024,
      ii.  To receive bank reconciliation reports for June 2024 and July 2024,
      iii. To approve accounts for payment 2 September 2024,
      iv. Renewal of AdvantEDGE Finance hosted services Contract – to decide whether to enter a one-, three- or five-year contract,
      v.  E-On Next (Pavilion Electric Supplier) to decide on a one, two or three-year Fixed Business Plan
19. Environment & Properties:
      i.   Pavilion – medical facilities,
      ii.  Playground Update,
      iii. Cemetery Update
20. Portfolio Holders Update:
      To discuss whether this should become a standing item on the agenda to allow an opportunity for portfolio holders to update the parish                council on what is happening/planed within their portfolio responsibility
21. Reports and Questions:
Members may raise any matter in brief here.
22. Exclusion of Public & Press:
      Confidential matters, including those identified during the course of the meeting, to be discussed here following a resolution to exclude the          public under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972.
      To discuss and agree quotes for:
      i. Hedge laying at St Michael’s Church
      ii. Additional grass cutting – Scowcroft Drive and Starbold Drive
      iii. Repair to fencing at bottom of children’s play area
      iv. Ladbroke Road trees and vegetation
      v. Buffer Zone behind Mandale Close
      vi. Tree Survey Work – high risk trees
      vii. Chruch yard trees
23. Date of Next Meeting: 
      The next ordinary meeting of the parish council will take place on Monday 7 October 2024 at 7.30pm at the Community Centre.

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