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Bishop's Itchington Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting - Monday 8 July at 7.30pm at The Community Centre

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Notice of Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council


Monday, 8 July 2024 at 7.30pm

The Community Centre, Ladbroke Road, Bishop’s Itchington, CV47 2RA

Members of the public and press are invited to attend the parish council meeting and are welcome to address the parish council on any item on the agenda during the public forum.

Please note that the meeting may be recorded or filmed and that the council is unable to give any guarantee that members of the public will not be included. If this concerns you, please contact the clerk prior to the meeting. If you would like to record or film a meeting, we encourage you to contact the council in advance so that we can ensure the necessary arrangements are in place.


1. Apologies:
   To receive and consider accepting apologies from members.
2. Declaration of Interests:
    Members are responsible for determining whether they have a disclosable pecuniary interest in any item on the agenda, as defined by                regulations made by the Secretary of State and should disclose it and any other conflict of interest they may have, as soon as possible after        the start of the meeting. 
3. Dispensations:
    To receive and consider granting any dispensation requests.
4. Public Forum:
    A maximum of 15 minutes is set aside for members of the public to address the council on any item on the agenda.  A maximum of 3 minutes      shall be allowed for each speaker.
5. Formal Complaint:
   To set up a complaint committee formed of 3 Councillors and set a date to hear the complaint as per the Bishop’s Itchington Parish Council         Complaints Policy.
6. Planning Matters:
   To consider the following planning applications:
   i. 24/01558/FUL 
      The Old Grain Barn, Mill Pit Farm, Hambridge Road, Bishops Itchington - Proposed Link Extension
   ii. 24/01474/FUL
       Land Off St Michaels Close , And Manor Road, Bishops Itchington - Demolition of no's 9-12 St Michael's Close and garages and erection of         7 no. affordable housing units and associated development
7. Exclusion of Public & Press:
    Confidential matters, including those identified during the course of the meeting, to be discussed here following a resolution to exclude the          public under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972.
   1. Quotes to undertake work to cemetery headstones/memorials.
8. Date of Next Meeting: 
   The next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council is Monday 2 September 2024 at 7.30pm at the Community Centre, Ladbroke Road, Bishop’s     Itchington, CV47 2RA

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