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Bishop's Itchington Parish Council Meeting - Monday 3 June 2024 at 7.30pm at the Community Centre

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Notice of Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council

Monday, 3 June 2024 at 7.30pm
The Community Centre
Ladbroke Road
Bishop’s Itchington
CV47 2RA
Members of the public and press are invited to attend the parish council meeting and are welcome to address the parish council on any items on the agenda during the public forum. 
Please note that the meeting may be recorded or filmed and that the council is unable to give any guarantee that members of the public will not be included. If this concerns you, please contact the clerk prior to the meeting. If you would like to record or film a meeting, we encourage you to contact the council in advance so that we can ensure the necessary arrangements are in place.


1. Apologies:
   To receive and consider accepting apologies from members.
2. Declaration of Interests:
    Members are responsible for determining whether they have a disclosable pecuniary interest in any item on the agenda, as defined by                regulations made by the Secretary of State and should disclose it and any other conflict of interest they may have, as soon as possible after         the start of the meeting. 
3. Dispensations:
    To receive and consider granting any dispensation requests.
4. Minutes: 
    To approve the following minutes:
     i. Minutes of Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on 13 May 2024,
     ii. Minutes of the ordinary parish council meeting held on 13 May 2024.
5. Public Forum:
    A maximum of 15 minutes is set aside for members of the public to address the council on any item on the agenda.  A maximum of 3 minutes      shall be allowed for each speaker.
6. Planning Matters:
    i. To review and consider any amendment to the response made using delegated powers for the following planning application:
       Bishops Cross Car Sales, Gaydon Road, Bishops Itchington - Variation of Conditions 2, 6 and 12 of planning permission 22/01671/FUL               (date of decision: 18/07/2023) to allow for amendments to materials and openings, alterations to the approved car park layout and remove         the restriction on 12m vehicles delivering to the site. Original description of development: Demolition of car showroom and adjacent                     bungalow and erection of convenience store with additional retail unit.
      ii. To consider the following planning application:
      Spring Paddocks, Gaydon Road, Bishop’s Itchington, CV47 2QX – Demolish existing timber block and construction of a hay/straw storage          barn and garaging for a horse box. Construction of a single storey grooms dwelling within the footprint of existing stable block.
7. County, District & Parish Liaison:
    To exchange latest information with WCC and SDC councillors.       
8. Pavilion:
    To approve BISA’s proposal regarding the steering group to look at a replacement pavilion.
9. Cemetery:
    To advise of next actions.
10. Cemetery and Churchyard Working Group/Policies and Governance Group:
      To decide if these should be established and if so, the membership of each group
11. Bishop’s Itchington Parish Council Biodiversity Policy:
      To approve and adopt the Biodiversity Policy.
12. Social Media Policy:
      To discuss/review the Social Media Policy.
13. Review of Standing Orders:
      To review and adopt Standing Orders.
14. Finance:
      1. To receive monthly financial report for May 2024,
      2. To receive bank reconciliation reports for May 2024,
      3. To approve accounts for payment 3 June 2024,
      4. To advise councillors of the amendment made to the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24,
      5. To approve the regular monthly payments for the current financial year (2023/2024) as per 5.6 Financial Regulations 2019 for England:
           i. Salaries for J Kirton, V Powell and K Stevens
           ii. PAYE and NI
          iii. Warwickshire CC Pensions Fund
          iv. Thomas Fox Landscaping – Grounds Maintenance 
           v. Biffa – Trade Waste 
          vi. Edge – Finance and Email Support
         vii. Claranet – Corporate Domain Registration
        viii. Light Media – Website Hosting
         ix. Purewater Window Cleaning – Bus shelter cleaning
          x. Water Plus – Pavilion Water 
     6. To approve and adopt the new Financial Regulations,
     7. To carry out the annual review of the Risk Management, 
     8. To carry out the annual review of the Assets Register,
     9. To carry out the annual review of Statement of Internal Control and Annual Review of Effectiveness of Internal Control.
15. Environment & Properties:
      i. Playing Field – consider of installing a metal shelter on the playing field,
     ii. Yellow Land/Warwickshire Wildlife Trust Land – disabled access,
    iii. Cricket Wicket - To discuss the outcome of the meeting with Warwickshire Cricket.
16. Reports and Questions:
      Members may raise any matter in brief here.
17. Exclusion of Public & Press:
      Confidential matters, including those identified during the course of the meeting, to be discussed here following a resolution to exclude the          public under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972.
      1. Quotes to undertake work to cemetery headstones/memorials.
      2. Cricket wicket Quotes.
18. Date of Next Meeting: 
      The next ordinary meeting of the parish council will take place on Monday 1 July 2024 at 7.30pm at the Community Centre.

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