BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Extraordinary Meeting of Bishop's Itchington Parish Council - Monday 24 January 2022 UID:32 DESCRIPTION:An extraordinary meeting of Bishop's Itchington Parish Council has been called as follows:\n\nDate: 24 January 2022\n\nTime: 7.30pm\n\nVenue: The Community Centre, Ladbroke Road, Bishop's Itchington, CV47 2RA.\n\nMembers of the public are welcome to attend and the agenda is:\n\nAGENDA1. Apologies:To receive and consider accepting apologies from members.\n\n2. Declaration of Interests:Members are responsible for determining whether they have a disclosable pecuniary interest in any item on the agenda, as defined by regulations made by the Secretary of State and should disclose it and any other conflict of interest they may have, as soon as possible after the start of the meeting. \n\n3. Dispensations:To receive and consider granting any dispensation requests.\n\n4. Bishop’s Itchington Budget 2022/23i. To approve the council’s budget for 2022/23.\n\nii. To approve transfers to/from reserves\n\n5. Precept 2022/23:To determine and approve level of Precept for 2022/23.\n\n6. Planning:To consider the following:\n\n22/00066/FUL\n\n22 Butchers Close, Bisho’s Itchington - Construction of a single-storey front and side extension.\n\n\n\n7. Recreational Community Facility Project:i. To approve the revised project timeline.\n\nii. To receive the cash flow forecast from the contractors.\n\niii. To confirm the public works loan amount.\n\niv. To approve the text of the survey form and website information. \n\nv. To approve the proposal and cost for survey form and reply-paid envelope printing and distribution.\n\nvi. To agree order of events and presentation at the public meeting on 7 February 2022.\n\nvii. To consider a common response to expected public comments on Facebook.\n\n8. Exclusion of Public & Press:Confidential matters, includingn thosenidentified during the course of the meeting, to be discussed here following a resolution to exclude the public under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972.\n\n9. Date of Next Meeting: The next ordinary meeting of the parish council will take place on Monday 14 February 2022 at 7.30pm at the Community Centre.\n\n DTSTART:20220124T193000Z DTEND:20220124T213000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR