BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Parish Council Open Evening - Monday 22 November at 7.30pm at the Community Centre UID:28 DESCRIPTION:Would you like to make a difference in your local community?Are you interested in how Bishop ’ s Itchington Parish Council works?Do you know why your village needs a team of councillors?You are invited to an evening meeting with your parish councillorsYour village needs you!The parish council is elected to serve the local community. Our councillors are all volunteers who give their time freely.They are supported by the clerk to the council who is head of the council's administration and a small team of dedicated staff who are responsible for looking after various village amenities and services. New ideas and a fresh perspective are welcome. You can make a difference! Whatever your passion or concerns for the well-being of your village community, your parish council needs councillors to join the team. You’ll need: Common sense.An awareness of the community and the welfare of its environment and residents. Good communication skills.The ability to make fair and objective decisions.Access to a computer/tablet as most communication is by email.You are invited to come along to our opening evening on Monday 22 November 2021 at 7.30pm in the community centre.The current team wants to meet local residents to help them understand the council’s roles and responsibilities and to encourage them to join Bishop’s Itchington Parish Council or one of its working groups through which you can shape our village for the future. We plan to conduct an informal session where you can meet new and longer serving council members. Everyone is welcome to meet the team and enjoy some light refreshments. DTSTART:20211122T193000Z DTEND:20211122T210000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR